Little Miss Eowyn is 4 months old today .. I just can't believe I was blessed enough to see this day. She is getting so big, every time I pick her up I can tell she's gotten heaver or she's getting taller and her hair in the back is finally starting to grow back in, Praise God!! Everyone who watched over her in unit 5700 comes and checks up on her and they all can't believe how well she is doing and how great she looks. I get people telling me all day how beautiful she is and what a great smile and personality she has. I am so blessed to hear all the nice thing's people have to say about her. She is one very happy baby, I don't think very many people can go through what she has went through and still have the happy disposition she has .. She's so unique, I'm just so blessed that God has given me charge over her. So for her 4 month birthday she got to have a visit from her daddy and brothers .. They got here around 2pm and it was perfect timing too because she was wide awake and roaring to go. CJ and Jesse go to see her, talk to her .. They asked questions (well CJ did most of the asking, Jesse just pointed to things and said "What's that?! But it's a question none the less lol) and the best part about it all way CJ got to hold her (see above picture). You should have seen him, he was blushing with happiness and couldn't stop smiling .. He talked to her and made her smile and squirm. He got a little nervous whenever she would move (I was holding her with him) so after a while of her kind of going crazy he said he was done holding her. She goes crazy mostly because she's IN LOVE with CJ and I'm serious, every time she hears his voice or sees him or his picture she just goes a little crazy. I think it's because when I was pregnant with her every morning and throughout the day he would come up to my belly kiss her and say "Hi baby sister, I love you" .. It was the cutest darn thing I have ever been blessed to see!! Jesse was excited to see her also, as excited as a 2 year old can be to see his replacement, as far as being the baby of the family that is. He said hi to her a few times, looked at her and said he loved her but when we asked if he wanted to hold her or touch her he gave us a firm "NO" .. So we just let him be. Then the baby took a nap and the 4 of us went to get some lunch. It was a very good day, very blessed to have all my family here on this day. God is so good and faithful and I'm just so happy about what He is doing in our lives, every time I think about it I find myself grinning from ear to ear .. Praise God, Hallelujah!!!
P.S. Caleb and I start training tomorrow around 2pm .. Please keep us in your prayers. We get to practise doing a Trach change on our own daughter, even more nerve racking in my opinion!!
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